Una Chica Curiosa

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"Struggle" - Tinush

Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

A friend recently shared that he couldn’t imagine me on a bad day, which is absolutely crazy. We all go through shit. It’s part of the human experience. This song was written for those hard days when you need that extra push.

Berlin producer, Tinush, takes his own spin on Aretha Franklin’s “A Deeper Love” by first titling the cover “Struggle.” To me, this song is an example of flawless production. The timing is perfect and the music is particularly expressive and made even more so with its perfect timing.

The slow, soulful, piano solo at the beginning paints the picture of rougher times. As Tinush begins to layer in drum loops over the piano, I can feel the motivation rolling in. At minute 2:00, he introduces Aretha’s powerful voice and I’m instantly ready to start moving.

“People let me tell you I work hard every day
I get up out of bed, I put on my clothes
‘Cause I’ve got bills to pay
Now it ain’t easy but I don’t need no help
I’ve got a strong will to survive
I’ve got a deeper love, deeper love.”

After a brief pause in tempo, the song picks back up at minute 5:00 with Aretha’s voice, a synthy guitar riff and the female gospel choir. The instrumental solo coupled with interjections of the gospel choir singing “It ain’t easy” that finish the song give me goosebumps and the rocket fuel I need to power through a rough day.

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Hace poco un amigo me dijo que no puede creer que tengo días malos pero eso no podría ser más lejos de la verdad. Todo el mundo tiene días así, es parte de la experiencia del ser humano. Esta canción fue escrito para esos días cuando buscas un empuje.

El productor de Berlin, Tinush, hace su propia versión de la canción “A Deeper Love” de Aretha Franklin usando el nombre “Struggle” para el cover. Para mi, esta canción es un ejemplo de producción totalmente perfecta. La música es muy expresiva y aún más con su temporización perfecta.