Una Chica Curiosa

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"Must Be Love" - Yung Bae

Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

Summer is here and Barcelona has exploded. My feet somehow find their way to seriously epic dance floors every weekend in this magical city. From dancing in the most grungy yet intimate nightclubs like my beloved Macarena, to open air day parties like Brunch, to the beach during Sant Joan, to the occasional bike lane, I’ve found it easy to make the entire city a dance floor.

The latest tune to soundtrack my Barcelona dance adventures was introduced to me by new internet friend and fellow disco lover, Gary. Last week I checked our collaborative Spotify playlist to see if any gems had recently been added and, sure enough, I discovered this piece of gold by Portland-based producer, Yung Bae (aka Dallas Cotton). As referenced in the introduction, Yung Bae returns to disco classics sampling “It Must Be Love” from 70s disco trio, Alton McClain and Destiny. Speeding up the original hook and repeating the key love vocals, Yung Bae highlights the elements of the song that generate that sense of fresh romance.

His latest album Bae 5 was released yesterday and is replete with funky disco tunes. I was going to highlight some other favorite songs but I’d be listing nearly every song on the album. If you’re in the mood for funk, go ahead and press play.

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El verano ha llegado y Barcelona ha explotado. Mis pies encuentran una nueva pista de baile cada fin de semana aquí. Mis últimas pistas han sido la discoteca íntima de Macarena, el aire libre del Brunch, la playa durante Sant Joan, y los ciclocarriles. Lo bueno de Barcelona es que fácil es para convertir la ciudad entera a una pista de baile.

La última canción para mis bailes en Barcelona fue introducido por mi amigo del internet nuevo y otro amante del disco, Gary. La semana pasada miré nuestro playlist colaborativo para encontrar unas joyas nuevas y encontré oro en la forma de este tema de Yung Bae ( Dallas Cotton).