"Heartbreaker" - Crazy P
I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from sharing music as I recover from hand surgery but a global pandemic where most of my loved ones find themselves stuck at home indefinitely seems like the perfect time to share music, so I figured I’d get back to writing about my favorite songs. To get back into my music sharing groove, I figured I’d start with my favorite song of the last year, Heartbreaker, by Crazy P.
This song was released in 2011 but I only discovered it last year while driving around Denver with my ex as we flirted with the idea of getting back together. As we drove around the city and reminisced about all of the good in our relationship, he put on one of his classic playlists that initially made me fall for him. I was instantly reminded of his impeccable taste in music as I whipped out Shazam to save “My God Has a Telephone” by The Flying Stars of Brooklyn NY and “Wildfire” by Meeka Kates but “Heartbreaker” was the track that stole the day.
After a seemingly interminable introduction, the track picks up steam with a classic drum beat and a stable bass line. The lyrics are sad and simple (You're no good, heartbreaker) but I hear depth in the music rather than a sense of melancholy.
I never discussed the song with my ex but I’ll always wonder if he included this song in that playlist intentionally and always be grateful it ended up in there however it did.